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  • Prospective for many commodities​

  • Under-explored

  • Low operating costs

  • Highly educated population

  • Safe 


For many decades, Argentina has been seen as the pariah of South America and with good reason.  High debt, short-term nationalistic populist policies and high inflation have plagued the Argentine population for as long as many can remember.  

As a result, Argentina has long been ignored by many of the world's exploration and mining companies meaning relatively few discoveries of note have been made despite sharing the eastern side of the Andes that have seen Chile's western flank become the world's most important source of copper with its giant porphyry deposits.  Increased exploration expenditure should see more discoveries on the Argentine side of this prolific belt.

Recent exploration for lithium has seen Argentina emerge as a global player in this space with its large brine deposits.  A number of exploration companies, both large and small, have now entered Argentina exploring for lithium.  

Argentina has a highly educated population and skilled operators meaning that reliance on expat workers is minimised.  When expats are required, they will find a modern country with a level of safety that is better than the majority of its regional neighbours. 

The recent election of Javier Milei for the presidency in November 2023 has given the markets a sense of optimism and hope.  Elected on a radical libertarian, pro investment platform, Milei seeks to reduce government involvement in the economy which is significant in a country that for much of the post World War II period had a paternalistic, centralised economy full of red tape and bureaucracy.  Milei is pro foreign investment and should he be able to get some traction in the legislature, Argentina will usher in a new era of stability.  It is anticipated that a rush of sorts may take place for companies wishing to invest in the new Argentina.  This is especially true for exploration and mining companies.  



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