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  • Pro-Mining government

  • Under-Explored

  • Extensive mineralised greenstone belts

  • English Speaking

  • Improving Infrastructure

  • Major gold resources

  • Strong Rule of Law


With world's fastest growing economy, a long history of gold mining, numerous major gold discoveries and a government supportive of the mining industry and foreign investment, Guyana presents as an attractive jurisdiction for mining and exploration.  Guyana ranked the highest of all Latin American and Caribbean jurisdictions surveyed in the 2022 Fraser Institute Annual Survey of Mining Companies Investment Attractiveness Index.

Gold production has only recently been overtaken by oil as the nation's main export.  As such, mining forms an integral part of the Guyanese economy.  Other commercially important minerals include bauxite and manganese.  Other minerals remain highly under-explored and pose enticing possibilities for first on the ground explorers.  The government has recently put in place incentives for exploration of Rare Earths and other critical minerals.

Historically, logistical difficulties have been Guyana's achilles heel with regards to mineral exploration but this is being rectified through the use of new found oil revenues funding an extensive program of infrastructure development throughout the country.  New highways and roads are being constructed in all regions of Guyana making the previously difficult to reach areas much more accessible.

Physically located in South America but culturally and historically part of the English speaking Caribbean means that laws and customs are something that will be familiar and easy to navigate for most western explorers and miners.  

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